An Assyrian paving brick from a ziggurat in Calah, tel Nimrud, with an inscription of Salmaneser III (858 - 824 BC).
Shalmaneser was the first king of Assyria to mention the nation of Israel in his annals. He took tribute from Jehu of Israel, as depicted on the Black Obelisk in the British Museum. He was the Assyrian king during the Battle of Qarqar in 853 BC, when a coalition of nations, including Syria and Israel stood against the advancing armies of Assyria.
The inscription is as follows: Shalmaneser, Great King, Mighty King, King of the Universe, King of the Land of Assyria, son of Ashurnasirpal, Great King, Mighty King, King of the Universe, King of the Land of Assyria, son of Tikulti-Ninurta, King of the Universe, King of the Land of Assyria. Paving brick of the zikkartu of the city of Calah.”